Hello! I am

Hyeongcheol Kim

A ph.D. candidate in NUS-HCI Lab

I have research interests in redesigning traditional computing tasks and styles which have built up and performed in desktop and mobile environments towards the next paradigm of interaction. In our research group, we envision a new direction of interaction for wearable and ubiquitous devices, which is more human-centered and allows to utilize our body’s various physicality. To achieve this goal, as an initial step, I create a new concept of multimedia authoring what we call “Live authoring” and initiate it as a testable artifact enabling multimedia authoring in situ with speech, “LiveSnippets”. This is now on studying for how people accept and react to it in real environments in order to apply the approach to wearable devices such as smart-glass or head-mount-display in near future.



2020.10 | MobileCHI 2020

LiveSnippets aims to redesign traditional experience sharing process from being retrospective to being in-situ thorough voice-based multimedia content creation and editing. With the live authoring concept, people alternatively share their elaborated experience with others nearby the experience instead of finding a place and a time for writing.


LiveSnippets: Voice-based Live Authoring of Multimedia Articles about Experiences, HC Kim, S. Zhao, Can Liu, Kotaro Hara, Proceedings of the 2020 MobileCHI Conference.

Ringteraction: Coordinated Thumb-index Interaction Using a Ring, S Ghosh, HC Kim, Y Cao, A Wessels, ST Perrault, S Zhao Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Designing of multimodal feedback for enhanced multitasking performance G Kim, HC Kim Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
