Our Projects


System and Tools for Arts and Creativity

Vignette: interactive texture design and manipulation with freeform gestures for pen-and-ink illustration
Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Takeo Igarashi, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis
ACM CHI 2012, 1727-1736 (Full paper)

SandCanvas: A Multi-touch Art Medium Inspired by Sand Animation
Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Kien Chuan Chua, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis, Kok-Lim Low
ACM CHI 2011, 1283-1292 (Full paper)

MOGCLASS: Evaluation of a Collaborative System of Mobile Devices for Classroom Music Education of Young Children
Yinsheng Zhou, Graham Percival, Xinxi Wang, Ye Wang, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2011, 523-532 (Full paper)

Interaction Techniques and Studies

Exploring user motivations for eyes-free interaction on mobile devices
Bo Yi, Xiang Cao, Morten Fjeld, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2012, 2789-2792 (Short paper)

Beyond stereo: an exploration of unconventional binocular presentation for novel visual experience
Haimo Zhang, Xiang Cao, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2012, 2523-2526 (Short paper)

AutoComPaste: Auto-Completing Text as an Alternative to Copy-Paste
Shengdong Zhao, Fanny Chavier, Wei Tsang Ooi, Chee Yuan Lee, Arpit Agarwal
ACM AVI 2012, 365-372 (Full paper)

Human Robot Interaction

Robots in my Contact List: Using Social Media Platforms for Human-Robot Interaction in Domestic Environment
Xiaoning Ma, Xin Yang, Shengdong Zhao, Chi-Wing Fu, Ziquan Lan, Yiming Pu
ACM APCHI 2012, 10 pages (Full paper)

Information Visualization

Tracing Tuples Across Dimensions: A Comparison of Scatterplots and Parallel Coordinate Plots
Xiaole Kuang, Haimo Zhang, Shengdong Zhao, Michael J. McGuffin
EuroVis2012 (Full paper)

Web and Social Media

Farmer’s Tale: A Facebook Game to Promote Volunteerism
Don Sim Jianqiang, Xiaojuan Ma, Shengdong Zhao, Jing Ting Khoo, Swee Ling Bay, Zhenhui Jiang
ACM CHI 2011, 581-584 (Short paper)

Measuring Web Page Revisitation in Tabbed Browsing
Haimo Zhang, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2011, 1831-1834 (Short paper)

Towards Characterizing User Interaction with Progressively Transmitted 3D Meshes
Ransi De Silva, Wei Cheng, Dan Liu, Wei Tsang Ooi, Shengdong Zhao
ACM Multimedia 2009, 881-884 (short paper)


Silver Computing

Quizroo: Quiz for Survey

An Analysis of Online Community-Based Software Help Forums

Eyes Free Interaction

3D User Interface

Novel Input Technology Refinement

Publication List

Papers: Journals
  • Not Yet
    Papers: Conference Proceedings
  • Kazi, Rubaiat Habib, Kien Chuan Chua, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis (Singapore Management University), and Kok-Lim Low. “SandCanvas: A Multi-touch Art Medium Inspired by Sand Animation.” In Proc. of CHI2011, Vancouver, May 2011.
  • Zhou, Yinsheng, Graham Percival, Xinxi Wang, Ye Wang, and Shengdong Zhao. “MOGCLASS: Evaluation of a Collaborative System of Mobile Devices for Classroom Music Education of Young Children.” In Proc. of CHI2011, Vancouver, May 2011.
    Short Papers: Conference Proceedings
  • Zhang, Haimo, and Shengdong Zhao. “Measuring Web Page Revisitation in Tabbed Browsing.” In Proc. of CHI2011, Vancouver, May 2011.
  • Sim, Don, Xiaojuan Ma, Shengdong Zhao, Jing Ting Khoo, Swee Ling Bay, Zhenhui Jiang. “Farmer’s Tale: A Facebook Game to Promote Volunteerism.” In Proc. of CHI2011, Vancouver, May 2011.
    Demo / Exhibitions
  • Kazi, Rubaiat Habib. “Christmas Eve 2010 (Sand Canvas artwork).” Musical Event for Christmas, Toa Payoh Methodist Church’s Sanctuary, 24 -25 Dec. 2010.
  • Kazi, Rubaiat Habib, Kien Chuan Chua, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis (Singapore Management University), and Kok-Lim LOW. “SandCanvas: New Possibilities in Sand Animation.” Video in CHI2011, Vancouver, May 2011.
  • Kazi, Rubaiat Habib, and Chris Kien Chuan Chua. “Sandcanvas.” Projects, Augmented Reality, Tertiary Tech Conference. Singapore, 18 September 2010.
    Invited Talks
  • Zhao, Shengdong. “SandCanvas: A Multi-touch Art Medium Inspired by Sand Animation” TEDxKRP 2011, March 1 2011, 2011.
    News Articles
  • Chang, Ai-Lien. “Making Computer Use Easier for Seniors.” Straits Times [Singapore] 16 April 2011.
  • Basu, Radha. “NUS Don Finds Joy in Helping Those in Need.” Straits Times [Singapore] 4 December 2010.