Towards Characterizing User Interaction with Progressively Transmitted 3D Meshes
2009.10 | MM 2009
We conducted experiments with 38 users who interacted with 3 progressively streamed and rendered 3D meshes in order to study their tolerance levels for network data rate and delay. Our study shows that over 90% of users can tolerate a data rate of 80 KBps and above (when the delay is 400ms) and over 95% of users can tolerate delay up to 1 second (when the data rate is 100 KBps). Our study shows that data rate and delay tolerance levels do not vary significantly among the three meshes we used.
user behavior, interaction, progressive meshes
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia
Project Info
Ransi Nilaksha De Silva, Wei Cheng, Dan Liu, Wei Tsang Ooi, and Shengdong Zhao