Assisting Concept Mapping for Video Learners
2019.08 | Interact 2019
Previous research has shown that having learners construct concept maps can bring better learning outcome. However, in video learning scenario, there is not sufficient support for learners to create concept maps from educational videos. Through a preliminary study, we identified two main difficulties video learners face in creating concept maps: navigation difficulty and learning difficulty. To help users to overcome such difficulties, we design scaffolds to assist learners in concept mapping. We present ScaffoMapping, a system aiming for scaffolded concept map creation on educational videos through automatic concept extraction and timestamp generation. Our study, which compares ScaffoMapping with the baseline approach, shows that (1) Learners can create higher quality concept maps with ScaffoMapping. (2) ScaffoMapping enables better
learning outcomes in video learning scenario.
INTERACT 2019: Human-Computer Interaction
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