Learn with Haptics:

Improving Vocabulary Recall with Free-form Digital Annotation on Touchscreen Mobiles

2020.04 | CHI 2020


Mobile vocabulary learning interfaces typically present material only in auditory and visual channels, underutilizing the haptic modality. We explored haptic-integrated learning by adding free-form digital annotation to mobile vocabulary learning interfaces. Through a series of pilot studies, we identified three design factors: annotation mode, presentation sequence, and vibrotactile feedback, that influence recall in haptic-integrated vocabulary interfaces. These factors were then evaluated in a within-subject comparative study using a digital flashcard interface as the baseline. Results using an 84-item vocabulary showed that the ‘whole word’ annotation mode is highly effective, yielding a 24.21% increase in immediate recall scores and a 30.36% increase in the 7-day delayed scores. Effects of presentation sequence and vibrotactile feedback were more transient; they affected the results of immediate tests, but not the delayed tests. We discuss the implications of these factors for designing future mobile learning applications.


Mobile Devices: Phones/Tablets ; Education/Learning ; Empirical study that tells us about people


Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

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Smitha Sheshadri, Shengdong Zhao, Yang Chen , Morten Fjeld