Interpolating Color Information as Haptic Feedback to Assist the Colorblind
2016.05 | CHI 2016
Most existing colorblind aids help their users to distinguish and recognize colors but not compare them. We present HaptiColor, an assistive wristband that encodes discrete color information into spatiotemporal vibrations to support colorblind users to recognize and compare colors. We ran three experiments: the first found the optimal number and placement of motors around the wrist-worn prototype, and the second tested the optimal way to represent discrete points between the vibration motors. Results suggested that using three vibration motors and pulses of varying duration to encode proximity information in spatiotemporal patterns is the optimal solution. Finally, we evaluated the HaptiColor prototype and encodings with six colorblind participants. Our results show that the participants were nable to easily understand the encodings and perform color comparison tasks accurately (94.4% to 100%).
Color blindness; wearable computing; vibration; spatiotemporal vibrotactile pattern; wristband
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Supplemental Material
Project Info
Marta G. Carcedo, Soon Hau Chua, Simon Perrault, Pawel Wozniak, Raj Joshi, Mohammad Obaid, Morten Fjeld, Shengdong Zhao