Gallery D.C.:
Design Search and Knowledge Discovery through Auto-created GUI Component Gallery
2019.11 | CSCW 2019
Online communities like Dribbble and GraphicBurger allow GUI designers to share their design artwork and learn from each other. These design sharing platforms are important sources for design inspiration, but our survey with GUI designers suggests additional information needs unmet by existing design sharing platforms. First, designers need to see the practical use of certain GUI designs in real applications, rather than just artworks. Second, designers want to see not only the overall designs but also the detailed design of the GUI components. Third, designers need advanced GUI design search abilities (e.g., multi-facets search) and knowledge discovery support (e.g., demographic investigation, cross-company design comparison). This paper presents Gallery D.C., a gallery of GUI design components that harness GUI designs crawled from millions of real-world applications using reverse-engineering and computer vision techniques. Through a process of invisible crowdsourcing, Gallery D.C. supports novel ways for designers to collect, analyze, search, summarize and compare GUI designs on a massive scale. We quantitatively evaluate the quality of Gallery D.C. and demonstrate that Gallery D.C. offers additional support for design sharing and knowledge discovery beyond existing platforms.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Project Info