Food Media:

Interactive Entertainment Over Telepresent Dinner

2013.12 | IJACS 2013


Food has always been a social hub; as the chances for remote families to enjoy shared entertainment are decreasing greatly nowadays, we propose Food Media as an intuitive multimodal platform to engage remote people within the telepresent family dinner context. It is an exploration of appropriating food and food activities as a medium for family communication and
entertainment. Rather than fancy digitalized multimedia or games, this system breathes interactive entertainment into domestic routine activity of family dining, introducing multi-sensory interactions like touch, smell and taste, to connect and entertain people over a natural and playful eating experience.


food media, family dining, entertainment, multisensory, home media


International Journal of Advanced Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 12, Pp. 595-601

Project Info



Jun Wei, Adrian David Cheok, and Shengdong Zhao