A Dummy's Guide to your Next EXPeriment:

Experimental Design and Analysis Made Easy

2016.05 | CHI EA 2016

Experiment design is a challenging task for novice and sometimes even more advanced HCI researchers. This course will introduce the field of experimental design and analysis to participants. Participants will be able to design an experiment, implement the experiment, gather data and analyze data during the course. By grounding the course in a real-life exemplar, participants will be able to have practical experience in running a controlled experiment in HCI. The course will be run by a group of HCI researchers and educators who come from a wide range of research traditions including psychology and computer science. They have worked and taught in both educational and industrial institutions.


conduct experiment, toolkit, controlled experimental design, statistical analysis


Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Project Info



Shengdong Zhao, Xiaojun Meng, Pin Sym Foong, and Simon Perrault