The NUS HCI Lab is the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the National University of Singapore - School of Computing. Our mission is to create a word-class HCI research laboratory in Asia. Our research interests include interfaces and interaction techniques to facilitate creative expressions as well as encourage cooperative social interactions,a.k.a. creative social interaction.

January 2, 2016

Dr. Kher Hui (Marina) Ng’s Lab Visit and Talk in NUS-HCI

Dr. Marina Ng is a researcher in the area of HCI from the Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham UK. Early this year, she joined the […]
January 2, 2016

GeekcampSG with Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Singapore

GeekcampSG is a tech conference, where in Dr. Shengdong Zhao, head of the lab, presented the WADE project. In the same conference, Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister […]
January 1, 2016

NUS-HCI lab joins DA VINCI: Shaping the Future in ArtScience Museum Exhibition

NUS-HCI Lab joins DA VINCI: Shaping the Future in ArtScience Museum Exhibition! Visit three of our projects in the Museum: AutoGami, Beyond Stereo and ColorBless and […]