Eyes-free Interaction
Exploring user motivations for eyes-free interaction on mobile devices
Bo Yi, Xiang Cao, Morten Fjeld, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2012, 2789-2792 (Short paper)
Designing an Effective Vibration-Based Notification Interface for Mobile Phones
Bahador Saket, Chrisnawan Prasojo, Yongfeng Huang, Shengdong Zhao
CSCW 2013: 1499-1504 (Paper) Android application download
Shared Input Multimodal Mobile Interfaces: Interaction Modality Effects on Menu Selection in Single-task and Dual-task Environments
Shengdong Zhao, Duncan Brumby, Mark Chignell, Dario Salvucci, Sahil Goyal
Interacting with Computers 2013 (Full paper)
earPod: Eyes-free Menu Selection Using Touch Input and Reactive Audio Feedback
Pierre Dragicevic, Mark H. Chignell, Ravin Balakrishnan, Patrick Baudisch
ACM CHI 2007: 1395-1404 (Full paper) Media coverage: MIT Technology Review, May 2007
Multi-stroke Marking Menu
Simple vs. Compound Mark Hierarchical Marking Menus
Shengdong Zhao, Ravin Balakrishnan
ACM UIST 2004: 32-42 (Full paper) Received 5,5,5,5 from all reviewers - the highest review score in UIST 2004
Zone and Polygon Menus: Using Relative Position to Increase the Breadth of Multi-stroke Marking Menus
Shengdong Zhao, Maneesh Agrawala, Ken Hinckley
ACM CHI 2006: 1077-1086 (Full paper)
3D Interaction
Beyond stereo: an exploration of unconventional binocular presentation for novel visual experience
Haimo Zhang, Xiang Cao, Shengdong Zhao
ACM CHI 2012, 2523-2526 (Short paper)
Video Navigation
NoteVideo: Facilitating Navigation of Blackboard-style Lecture Videos
Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat, Shengdong Zhao, Kevin McGee, Anshul Vikram Pandey
ACM CHI 2013, 1139-1148 (Full paper)
AutoComPaste: Auto-Completing Text as an Alternative to Copy-Paste
Shengdong Zhao, Fanny Chavier, Wei Tsang Ooi, Chee Yuan Lee, Arpit Agarwal
ACM AVI 2012, 365-372 (Full paper)
Adaptive hybrid cursor
The Adaptive Hybrid Cursor: A Pressure-based Target Selection Technique for Pen-based Interfaces
Xiangshi Ren, Jinbin Ying, Shengdong Zhao, Yang Li
INTERACT 2007, 310-323 (Full paper)
Phosphor Widget
Phosphor: Explaining Transitions in the User Interface Using Afterglow Effects
Patrick Baudisch, Desney Tan, Maxime Collomb, Daniel Robbins, Ken Hinckley, Maneesh Agrawala, Shengdong Zhao, and Gonzalo Ramos
ACM UIST 2006, 169-178 (Full paper)