Dean’s Graduate Award Winner

“Practical Empathy in Conversational Agents” has been Accepted in 2020 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
August 3, 2020

Dean’s Graduate Award Winner

Congratulations to Debjyoti Ghosh, NUS Ph.D. student, for winning the Dean’s Graduate award!

The Dean’s Graduate Award is a prestigious award to be given to senior Ph.D. students who have made significant research achievements during their Ph.D. study.

Financial Assistance and Awards, School of Computing, National University of Singapore

Deb will also be speaking at the SOC Research Talks on 16th September between 4-5 PM via Zoom. His talk will be about:

Voice-based Interactions for Editing Text On the Go

Abstract: Towards an envisioned interaction paradigm where computing is more seamlessly integrated with the users’ everyday mobility, voice-based interaction is likely to play a pivotal role as speaking is a natural form of human communication and also, offers an untethered and device-independent channel of communication with a computing interface. Additionally, the interaction is hands- and eyes-free, leaving the users free to engage in other tasks. Yet, to lower the interaction burden when the interactions are embedded into the users’ everyday mobility and activities, the traditional (existing) interaction vocabulary for on-the-go (mobile) interactions needs to be redesigned under the new paradigm. To this end, the talk presents voice-based and multimodal interaction techniques for text input/editing as an everyday mobile computing task for both eyes-free interfaces and heads-up computing-based interfaces like Augmented Reality Smart Glasses (ARSG), that better support flexible and natural interactions consistent with the users’ mobility needs.

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